Doctor of Philosophy / Master of Philosophy
(PhD / MPhil)

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Applications should hold a Bachelor's Degree with 1st Class Honours or completion of a Master Degree, preferably in the field of social work. The normal period of study for the completion of the approved 4-year research and study programme is 48 months for full-time candidates and 72 months for part-time candidates (Handbook for Research Postgraduate Students)


Faculty members of the Department offer supervision in a broad range of areas.


List of PhD Students



Feng Juxiong
Topic of Thesis
Social Captital and community development


Lu Xi
Topic of Thesis
Social Work Services related to counselling for mental health problems


Lau Chi-yuen
Topic of Thesis
To be confirmed


Lee Mei-yin, Anna
Topic of Thesis
Active aging - ideas and strategies from the perspectives of adults with intellectual disability


Chan Yu-cheung
Topic of Thesis
Community Capacity Building and Community Development: Building Community Capacity in Deprived Communities in HK


Lam Lai-ling
Topic of Thesis
Perceiving and Practicing citizenship: A study on youth activists' experience in social movements in Hong Kong.



Cheng Yi-ting, Daphne (2021)
Topic of Thesis
Evaluation of the application of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) for people with mental illness                          


Chiu Renee (2019)
Topic of Thesis
Parental Emotional Attachment and Fear of Intimacy of Emerging Adults in Hong Kong: The Effect of Differentiation of Self


Wong King-lai (2019)
Topic of Thesis
The Role of Non-state Actors in the Process of Policy Transfer: A Case of Community Social Workers and the Transfer of Policy Ideas of Sustainable Regeneration in Hong Kong


Law King-keung (2017)
Topic of Thesis
A Qualitative Study on Recovery Experience of People with Schizophrenia in Hong Kong


Wu Ho-yee (2017)
Topic of Thesis
The Process of Reality Negotiations in finding Hope in the lived experience of people with have encountered Depression: A Collaborative Narrative Research


Liu Hongshuo (2017)
Topic of Thesis
The Study of the Responses of Lalas to Social Exclusion in China


Lau Siu-mei (2017)
Topic of Thesis
Housing Discourses of Young People in Hong Kong


Chan Ka-ki (2013)
Topic of Thesis
Is Citizenship Sexual: A Study of the Exercise of Citizenship of Non-heterosexuals in Hong Kong


Yau Shui-ling (2013)
Topic of Thesis
Bounded navigations to work: The experience of young people in Hong Kong


Su Xiqing, Susan (2007)
Topic of Thesis
The Structure of Gratitude of Secondary School Students in China: Conceptualization, Measurement and Implications.


Ho Wing-nan, Winnie (2008)
Topic of Thesis
Recovery Model among Chinese People with Schizophrenia.