(MSocSc in Social Work)





社會工作課程 21 學分
社會工作選修 3 學分
綜合導修 3 學分
實習 10 學分
總計 37 學分





SOWK 7610 Society and Social Policy (3,3,0)
This course discusses various sociological perspectives to the understanding of the society and social policy. It examines selective models of social policy analysis and administrative and organizational theories and evaluates how these models and theories enable social workers to effect policy and organizational changes. It also critically examines the roles played by social workers in the field of social policy and administration with references to both local and international academic literature and research studies.
3 units
SOWK 7620 Human Development and Cultural Differences (3,3,0)
This course helps students to understand and appreciate human development and behavior across the life span particularly with respect to socio-cultural differences and the social environment at large, and to the challenges and strengths of service users and targets in the local context.
3 units
SOWK 7630 Social Work Theory & Practice I (3,3,0)
This course is designed to examine the generic knowledge and practice of social work as well as to develop students’ ability to apply critical thinking and professional judgment in the learning and application of individual and family practice models in local context. It emphasizes the transferability of the repertoire of skills and theoretical knowledge across disciplines and contexts.
3 units
SOWK 7641-2 Social Work Theory & Practice II (4,1,0)
This course is a continuation of Social Work Theory and Practice I. It is designed to equip students with the ability to appreciate theories and practice approaches of social group work and community work and to apply them in the local context. Changes in the social environment would be discussed to set forth the need to develop integrated practices. It also critically examines problems and issues in the application of the group and community approaches. Students will participate in a variety of role-plays, case studies and exercises so as to develop their consciousness and skills.
4 units
SOWK 7650 Management in Human Service Organizations (3,3,0)
This course is focused on studying selective organizational theories and perspectives relevant to critically understanding and appreciating the management of human service organizations. With the use of case studies and discussion, students will be equipped to comprehend the processes, functions and skills of agency and programme management with reference to the local context.
3 units
SOWK 7040 Research and Programme Evaluation (3,3,0)
This course covers the basic concepts, approaches and methods, ethical concerns in qualitative and quantitative research in the field of human services, and evaluates the importance of values and knowledge in suffusing the practice of social research. It stresses the importance of addressing programme and practice evaluation to the rising needs for accountability and outcome demonstration. This course also forms the knowledge base for students to carry out practice-related research project.
3 units
SOWK 7770 Social Work, Law and Social Justice (2,2,0)
This course aims to study the values and ethical issues of social work practice and its related legal context; introduce general principles of law in Hong Kong and in the areas of protection of children and women, juvenile justice, family, mental health, human rights and discrimination; and examine the relevance of existing legal provisions to upkeep social justice and the role played by social workers.
2 units
SOWK 7810 Community Study (for Full-time students only) (0,0,0)
The aim of this course is to help the students to develop ability in social enquiry of livelihood of people in Hong Kong. Through observation, field study and field visits, the course enables students to develop deeper understanding and reflection on the needs and the ways of coping of people arising from their daily living.
0 units
21 units


Social Work electives (1 course, 3 units)

SOWK 7120 Child and Adolescent Mental Health (3,3,0)
This course is designed to deepen knowledge and skills required to work with children and adolescents with mental health problems in a variety of settings in Hong Kong, particularly with respect to the areas of behavioural and emotional problems and substance abuse.
3 units
SOWK 7430 Narrative Approach to Counselling (3,3,0)
Prerequisite: SOWK 7420 Theories in Counselling and Therapy or consent of the Department. This course focuses on introducing to the students the diverse, yet inter-related narrative approaches to working with young people and their families at different settings, as well as the basic philosophy and concepts of therapeutic conversations.
3 units
SOWK 7670 Social Work Project (3,0,1)
In this course, students are required to conduct and write up a small social work practice related research project that may be based on their actual fieldwork or professional practice experience. Students may choose to do any other projects approved by the Department.
3 units
SOWK 7720 Social Work with the Elderly (3,3,0)
Prerequisite: Year III Social Work students or consent of the Department
This course provides students with an understanding of the ageing process and its implications for social work practice. Social deprivation and difficulties faced by the elderly will be explored especially in the local context. The existing social welfare, medical, housing and employment policy and services for the elderly in Hong Kong will be critically examined, together with consideration of alternatives in social service delivery.
3 units
SOWK 7730 Social Work with Youth (3,3,0)
Prerequisite: Year III Social Work students or consent of the Department
The basic objectives of this course are to review contemporary theories and perspectives for understanding youth with particular reference to the socio-economic and political context of Hong Kong, critically examine the discourses on specific dimensions of youth in Hong Kong, and examine and evaluate selected youth services and approaches to youth work with a review to promoting positive changes.
3 units
SOWK 7740 Social Work with the Mentally Disordered (3,3,0)
Prerequisite: Year III Social Work students or consent of the Department
This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of a range of theories on the scope and causes of mental illness. Different approaches of working with the mentally disordered and their families will be discussed. Existing local policies and legislation pertaining to mental illness will be critically examined. Methods of assessment, intervention and prevention, especially from a social work perspective, will also be explored.
3 units
SOWK 7750 Social Work with Disadvantaged Groups (3,3,0)
Prerequisite: Year III Social Work students or consent of the Department
This course aims to enable students to examine the social structure and social processes which contribute to the construction of disadvantages and oppression in the society, critically appreciate different theoretical explanation of social disadvantages, develop understanding of the experiences of selected legislation, and develop sensitivity to and understanding of anti-oppressive practice with the socially disadvantaged groups.
3 units
SOWK 7760 Special Topics in Social Work (3,3,0)
Prerequisite: Year III Social Work students or consent of the Department
This subject aims to provide students with a gender perspective in practicing social work. Basic concepts of gender, gender inequality and theories of feminism will be introduced. Gender issues in social work and social welfare development will be critically examined. Emphasis will also be placed on understanding principles and strategies of feminist social work and their application in the local context. Students will be equipped with knowledge and skills in dealing with gender issues and working with women and men.
3 units
SOWK 7820 Social Work with Families (for Full-time students only) (3,3,0)
This course builds on the foundation of theoretical knowledge and practical skills for working with families as provided in earlier theory and skill courses. The students will examine the development stages of families and problems that families may encounter. The role of social workers in family services will be examined and family policies and services will be analysed with particular reference to the local context.
3 units
SOWK 7840 Data Methodology in Social Sciences Research (3,3,0)
This course covers the basic concepts, approaches and methods in social sciences using linear modeling methods. The course is comprised of seminar and lab sessions. Each class will start with a seminar with the instructor to discuss related concepts and students will be required to participate in discussion. Then, the class will move into the lab session when students are either required to present their own research ideas or practice statistical skills using the software SPSS. Students will have to complete weekly lab assignments. Final paper involves the generation of a publishable manuscript based on students’ research area of interests. In the first part of the course, student will learn how to construct their own conceptual model and specify hypotheses based on existing theories and literatures. In the second part of the course, students will identify a secondary data set related to their conceptual models and learn about data management skills. In the third part, students will learn about the concepts and lab skills of bivariate analysis. The fourth part of the course covers introductory concepts and lab skills of multiple regression. Last, students will have the opportunity to learn about manuscript writing and consult the instructors regarding their paper.
3 units
SOWK7890 Career Facilitation and Counseling (3,3,0)

This course is designed to equip students with knowledge and skills to facilitate individuals to engage in life and career development, and enhance with career counselling competencies in helping relationship building, application of career counselling concepts, assessment in career planning, working with diverse populations, and utilization of technology in career planning, and work-life integration. The course also facilitates students to develop holistic perspective in career development of people at different stages of life and navigate the complex life and work environment.

3 units





SOWK 7680 Social Work Integrative Tutorial I(1,0,1.5)
Integrative tutorials aim to provide students with an environment to discuss and integrate what they have learned from the classes and from their real life scenarios in a small group setting. For each semester in Year I study, there will be seven 3-hour sessions with prescribed themes. Integrative Tutorial I focuses on skill competency and integration of knowledge and practice in working with individuals and families.
1 units
SOWK 7690 Social Work Integrative Tutorial II(1,0,1.5)
Integrative tutorials aim to provide students with an environment to discuss and integrate what they have learned from the classes and from their real life scenarios in a small group setting. For each semester in Year I study, there will be seven 3-hour sessions with prescribed themes. Integrative Tutorial II focuses on skill competency and integration of knowledge and practice in working with groups and communities.
1 units
SOWK 7780 Social Work Integrative Tutorial III (1,0,1.5)
Integrative Tutorial III targets at providing students with further opportunities to integrate what they have learnt from classes and the Fieldwork I while preparing them for Fieldwork II. Prominent issues in social work practice with relevancy to multi-levels intervention, sensitivity to diversity, social work values, and skills application are explored. Self-reflection on becoming social workers is emphasized.
1 units
3 units



實習旨在促進學生的發展、在知識和技巧上的提升,強調如何在各種社會工作環境中發展整合知識與實踐的能力、達致個人的專業發展與個人成長。實習時數共計800小時,要求每位學生至少參加一個學期間同步實習(concurrent),另一個實習可選擇學期間同步實習(concurrent mode) 或 假期實習( block mode)**
此外,每個學生需要參加共計100小時的實習前各種準備活動,包括工作坊、實習導論(orientation programme)、機構探訪以及技巧訓練等。


SOWK 7700 Fieldwork Practice I (5,0,16)
Prerequisite: GPA of 2.5 or above by the end of the 1st Semester of Year I or consent of Department
Through fieldwork placement, students are facilitated to develop their knowledge and skills emphasizing on the synergy and integration of theory and relevancy to practice in a board range of social work settings in working with individuals, families, groups and communities. Emphasis is also focused on developing students’ professional competence in social work practice.
5 units
SOWK 7710 Fieldwork Practice II (5,0,16)
Prerequisite: (1) SOWK7700 Fieldwork Practice I and (2) cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above by the end of the 1st Semester of Year II or consent of the Department
Through fieldwork placement, students are facilitated to develop their knowledge and skills emphasizing on the synergy and integration of theory and relevancy to practice in a board range of social work settings in working with individuals, families, groups and communities. Emphasis is also focused on developing students’ professional competence in social work practice.
5 units
10 units



* 經學系批准,學生可以在其受僱的社會服務機構進行其中一個實習。